📄️ Company Profile
📄️ Identity Provider
The Identity Provider Settings page is where you configure the connection between Adcyma and your external identity provider, such as Entra ID. This setup is essential for enabling Adcyma to communicate with your tenant.
📄️ Job Titles
The Job Titles page allows you to manage the list of job titles used across the system. You can easily add new titles or remove existing ones. These titles can be assigned to users and utilized in Workflows.
📄️ Managed Users
The Managed Users page displays all the users that are managed by Adcyma. Administrators can view details such as display names, usernames, job titles, and departments for each managed user.
📄️ Offices
The Offices page displays all the offices that are configured in Adcyma. Administrators can view details such as office names, locations, and associated information for each office.
📄️ Preferences
The Preferences page allows administrators to configure settings that define in what format Adcyma will create User Principal Name (UPN) and email addresses in your tenant.
📄️ System Users
The System Users page is where administrators can manage the internal user accounts within Adcyma. This page provides the functionality to create, edit, and delete system users, as well as assign roles to define their permissions and access levels.